Monday, 30 August 2010


I'd cleaned it, got rid of the dust, polished the lenses, loaded some Fuji Neopan 400CN and I didn't stop shooting till two rolls had wound through my old Rolleicord. It was great to be shooting with this vintage camera again, I don't think my light meter has had as much use in years as the sun was popping in and out like a fiddlers elbow. I was a little worried that the shutter might have given up the ghost, as the camera has really just been gathering dust on a shelf for about 18 years, but happy to say it seems to be working fine and was easily able to capture my two boys in their excitement to be out playing on their bike, while Dad ran around like an idiot with a strange looking box around his neck.

I got the film processed and scanned to 65MB files at C-41's, a lab that use to be situated in Chester but has moved out to bigger and far better premises in Ellesmere Port. Now I must get some prints done for the Grand Parents.....

More from the Rolleicord very soon I hope, as another two rolls of Neopan await exposure....


Andy Paterson said...

How many times did you glance at the back of the camera for a quick check of the histogram ;-)

Alistair Kerr Photography said...

Surpisingly not once, it all came back in an instant, struggling to focus with the matte screen through the little magnifier and fiddling with the tiny controls for shutter speed and aperture, as well as having to cock the shutter each exposure. The last thing I thought about was the digital way of working. It has to be said there's something very nice about shooting film, as long as someone else is processing it (breathing in all the toxic fumes) and sticking it on disk for you.